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    Paredim – COVID-19 Update


    To all Paredim Investors:

    We have been closely monitoring the issues and uncertainly caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and have taken multiple steps to protect the well-being of our properties, employees, residents and colleagues, while also ensuring that we will continue to meet our residents’ housing needs during this very challenging time.

    All of our offices remain open and operational, and we are continuously working towards fulfilling the needs of our valued residents as they face the challenges of business, school and other closings that have been enforced to help mitigate the spread of this contagion. We are fully equipped to provide uninterrupted service across all of our offices, including the implementation of remote working capabilities and other flexible working arrangements. All of our key management personnel have secure and remote access to our systems and software. Following the guidelines and recommendations of various international and domestic public health bodies, we have shared specific instructions with our employees on maintaining good hygienic practices and social distancing. Our primary goal is to maintain the provision of services and maintenance to our valued residents throughout the Paredim portfolio while maintaining a positive posture and attitude. We are in continuous contact with our residents to provide them with guidance and updates to assist them in navigating this event and assure them that we remain focused on their well-being and providing them with the highest level of services possible, given the current situation and its challenges. At this point we have not experienced any material dislocations or business interruption and believe that by providing a safe, secure and managed home environment to our residents, we will continue to prevail in this matter.

    Our paramount concern is everyone’s health and safety, and our thoughts are with our partners, friends, employees and communities during this uncertain time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value the trust and confidence you continue to place in us.

    Best regards,

    David A. Parisier

    Paredim Partners LLC